The very first 'big picture' documentary about Basic Income

This will be the first international documentary that focuses entirely on Basic Income as a means to change the system in order to soften the effects of Climate Change.

Why a documentary about Basic Income?

Storytelling is a universal language, which every human being understands on a very deep and intuitive level. We tell each other stories to understand each other and to make complex subjects manageable. Basic Income (short for UBI – Universal Basic Income) is a complex issue for many. It affects many subjects in our daily lives. Because, when everyone is provided with his or her basic needs, will people still work? And what is the true meaning of work? And what is the role of the economy when everyone is provided  for their basic needs?

And also, does UBI play a role in sustainable living? Or will people just buy more, which would be actually bad for sustainability? In short, many questions arise and these are the questions we want to answer in this documentary in a way that the average person can understand. This way, the discussion can continue in society, at a higher level of understanding of the role of our economy, of UBI and how we can transition to a system that can provide for everyone.

Our inspiration

There are a few documentaries that inspired us. The Social Dilemma in particular is an example of effective storytelling and that is how we want to approach this documentary.

Humanity and animals must not perish by constantly following the wrong stories.

We make progress depending on the stories we tell each other. Information is the only thing that distinguishes us from the animals. Animals are not susceptible to information and stories – humans are. And as long as we tell ourselves and the world stories that do not encourage progress, it is difficult to really solve problems. Currently we are stuck in a story that does not promote progression. It’s a constant “yes, but…” with every solution suggested. We’re stuck in details that won’t matter in 20 years.

The Bigger Picture story is lost. A different story is needed to move people back to hope. A story that inspires action, hope and inspiration to do better, both individually and on a system level.

Join the mission to end poverty with UBI.

We are making the very first documentary where we discuss the current economic system and place UBI in the context of climate change and what UBI could mean to your (mental) health and future. Tell us why you want UBI to be implemented and we will put your quote on the website.

Support our work

To make this documentary at a high (and independent) quality, we of course need money. All the donations are going to the production of this film.