The inspiration of a Happiness Economy

The inspiration for a “Happiness Economy” initially came from New Zealand where they prioritized their Well-Being over ‘Growth and Wealth’. But the country where an inspiring talk by Tshering Tobga was given on this principle was Bhutan. Tobga talks about his country not being Carbon Neutral, but Carbon Negative. A Happiness Economy implies that the well-being of the citizens comes before profit and growth and therefore nature is taken more into account. You can find another video of him here.

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Rutger Bregman mini documentary ‘VPRO Backlight’ about the Basic Income

Rutger Bregman has been the inspiration for many and even the introduction to the Basic Income. In this mini documentary Rutger talks about Basic Income, Bullshit Jobs and you can also see how he talks about his new book “Human Kind”.

Rutger Bregman on the Dutch Show "PRO Tegenlicht"
The extended magazine PDF download

An extensive PDF of a Pilot Program from Germany; Meine Grundeinkommen

The inspiration from this PDF mainly came from the topics that are often not discussed when it comes to the Basic Income, namely; what does a Basic Income do with consumption and with sustainability? A number of aspects are included in this Pilot Programme. We are also in direct contact with this Pilot Program and want to interview these researchers for our documentary.

Drawdown - Paul Hawken

This is not directly related to Basic Income, but it does relate to sustainability and climate. Paul Hawken is a special man who sees hope, where others see doom and gloom. He is the author of the book “Drawdown, The 100 Most Effective Solutions to Reverse Climate Disruption”.

Andrew Yang en the Freedom Dividend

Andrew Yang is an American entrepreneur and was a Presidential candidate in the US in 2019. He led a very successful campaign (as an outsider) and he single-handedly put the Basic Income on the map. He named it Freedom Dividend, because that sounds better to the Republicans. The approach was interesting, though sadly it didn’t stand a chance among the more famous politicians – but it has had a positive impact on how Americans view Basic Income, cash injections (the Stimulus Checks) and Helicopter Money.

Scott Santens - America's lesser-known Rutger Bregman about UBI

Scott Santens is someone who, like Rutger Bregman, has devoted an enormous amount of time and thought to the idea and concept of the Basic Income. The more you think about a subject, the more deeply you think about all its possible effects. Scott Santens is a good source of information about UBI if you want to learn more about this topic and want to come across things that are not so mainstream and ‘intuitive’ about UBI.

Go to his website for more information.

A hopeful climate documentary and what an alternative future could look like

2040 is produced and directed by Damon Gameau, an Australian director and documentary maker. Through Paul Hawken we came to this documentary that had a completely different approach than most documentaries. This one is easy to watch, but emotional (but for the right reasons). An absolute viewing tip if you are tired of all the negativity. 

You can rent it by clicking on the Icon in the right corner of the Vimeo Link.

Systems theory in sustainability - The podcast from the Zeitgeist creator

Peter Joseph is a filmmakerliving in America. He is the
maker of the controversial film Zeitgeist from 2007. Nowadays he mainly focuses on lectures and podcasts with which he wants to reach his target group. The podcast is mainly about systems thinking (how our economy really works), incentives, social psychology and also Basic Income is also mentioned here. Even though it is not mentioned extensively, he does see it as a possible step towards a new system. He has also written an extremely detailed and extensive book on this subject.

BULLSHIT JOBS - David Greaber (deceased)

The sadly deceased David Greaber is a brilliant man whodiscovered the term “bullshit jobs”. Don’t waste a word on this, but go see what David has to say about this. Do you have a Bullshit Job?