Behind this production

Aaldrik Bakker


From filming weddings all over the world to directing shortfilms. Always looking for the big solutions & Big Picture Stories. The experience, knowledge and passion about sustainability, Basic Income and economy, that was built up over the past four years, is now being combined for the next step; a documentary.

More about me

Chiel Epskamp


Experienced filmmaker in the field of sustainability and storytelling. It is also time for me to participate in a larger project in which I can devote all my time, energy and knowledge to tell a comprehensive story about sustainability. And another fun fact: Can you tell everything about space…

We believe in a future with a sustainable economy that works for everyone.

- The Happiness Economy

My motionation for making this film

I dislike conflict and I like happy and healthy people. I like to livein a society that is safe and that supports progress. A  society in which we can have empathy for each other, without radicalization andextremism. 

The more problems there are in the world, the more social unrest there will be. Our economy mainly revolves around growth. 

Without this growth, people cannot have a good life. To me this iscompletely illogical and aboveall cumbersome. And that’s why Basic Income made perfect sense when I first heard about it. And the more I delved into it, the more connections I saw with climate change and sustainability. So this is also my motivation. To use the Basic Income as a means to make society more sustainable and even to use it as a means of transition to a new socio-economic system.

My hope is that this documentary can start a discussion in multiple countries and that we really start talking about what we are doing and what the role of work and of our economy should actually be.

As Rutger Hoekstra said beautifully; “I get irritated when people say ‘That’s bad for the economy!’. Bad for the economy is seen as bad for society, and therefore bad per se. But I want to turn it around: first look at social developments, such as happiness, time use, and climate change. Those are the central issues. You can then look at what role our economy, and the measurement system of the national accounts, can play in this. Now it is the other way around.”

This is exactly how we want to insert the film to get the message across.

– Aaldrik

Documentary broadens horizons and lifts humanity to a new level of understanding

From our evolution, storytelling is a universal language. For millions of years, humans have been telling stories to make something big and complex, small and understandable. Climate change is too big and too complex for many. Telling the right stories and connecting the economy, society and our food to climate change creates the total picture.

And when you understand this picture, it is easier to take action. It all starts with telling the right stories, in a documentary series, including the economy, our children, society, the view of humanity, a hopeful perspective on climate change, Universal Basic Income and how we measure progress in the world.