Can basic income fundamentally change our economic system?

The Happiness Economy Foundation will make the very first International Documentary about UBI with the central question if it can change our economic system to be more sustainable.

The project; a documentary about Basic Income

The mission of the Happiness Economy Foundation is to produce an international documentary to put Basic Income (UBI) on the map to change the incentives of the current economic system and decouple work from income and well being.

But when we talk with our friends and family about Basic Income this always leads to fundamental questions about being human. If everyone had €1200,- euro a month free to spend, will people still go to work if they didn’t need to? And what exactly is work anyways? Wouldn’t we be more consuming if everyone had a UBI? And about consuming, why is that so fundamental to our economy? Can UBI help with that too? All central questions we want to answer in this international documentary.

Decoupling of well being and the necessity for economic growth

Our well being depends on the resources we have on our earth like energy, materials, water and land. In order to give people the best lifes possible the economy needs growth. The more economic growth, the more welfare and the more people can live a good life. But this is indirectly through the means of work and income in exchange for economic stability and safety. Decoupling work from income and income and wellbeing is the solution to climate change in the long run. The constant need for this economic growth means a disproportional exploitation of our natural resources. The end goal should be to do more with less and build an economic system that has it’s main purpose to take care of our planet and all life on it. We can just as easily call that GDP. Less work means less use of resources. Being less dependent on economic growth means less necessity to use resources. In this documentary we will research what this mechanism is, the studies of it and how UBI can help to decouple work from income and improve lives and our well being.

What we do


We use film as our main tool to promote the Basic Income.

Promoting UBI

After the film is distributed, you can connect with others through our platform to make an impact


Storytelling that takes our understanding of Basic Income to a new level

Support our work

To make this documentary at a high (and independent) quality, we of course need money. All the donations are going to the production of this film.